Some of cards

Forest Snake
Earth creature, cost 2, Attack 3, life 13
If there is a creature in the opposite slot, Forest snake receives +3 to attack
If there is a creature in the opposite slot, Forest snake receives +3 to attack

Wall of Peace
Earth creature, cost 3, Attack 0, life 20
Reduces by 1 Attack of enemy creatures.
Reduces by 1 Attack of enemy creatures.

Forest Sprite
Earth creature, cost 3, Attack 1, life 16
Attacks all enemies.
Ability (cost 3):
Attacks all enemies.
Ability (cost 3):
Owner gains X life, where X is equal to number of owner's creatures.

Master Healer
Earth creature, cost 5, Attack 1, life 24
Ability (cost 3):
Ability (cost 3):
Completely heals target owner's creature.

Elven Cavalry
Earth creature, cost 4, Attack 3, life 16
If Astral Power is 6 or greater, attacks 3 times per turn!
If Astral Power is 6 or greater, attacks 3 times per turn!

Stone Ritual
Earth spell, cost 4
Caster receives 5 mana points. Caster receives a card.
Caster receives 5 mana points. Caster receives a card.

Air Elemental
Air creature, cost 6, Attack is equal to owner's Astral Power, life 18
When comes into play if there is a creature in the opposite slot, returns that creature to owner's hand.
When comes into play if there is a creature in the opposite slot, returns that creature to owner's hand.

Elven Archer
Earth creature, cost 2, Attack 3, Life 10
Ability (cost 1):
Ability (cost 1):
Deals 4 damage to target enemy creature

Faerie Mage
Air creature, cost 3, Attack 3, life 14
Whenever owner receives a card, Faerie mage deals 2 damage to opponent.
Whenever owner receives a card, Faerie mage deals 2 damage to opponent.

Faerie Sage
Air creature, cost 6, Attack 3, life 16
At the beginning of owner's turn onwer receives additional card.
At the beginning of owner's turn onwer receives additional card.

Air creature, cost 4, Attack 5, Life 12
Whenever Phoenix dies, it returns to owner's hand.
Whenever Phoenix dies, it returns to owner's hand.

Wall of Knowledge
Air creature, cost 5, Attack 0, life 18
When comes in to play, owner receives 2 cards.
When comes in to play, owner receives 2 cards.

Astral Wind
Air spell, cost 4
Return target creature with cost 5 or less to owners's hand. Caster receives a card.
Return target creature with cost 5 or less to owners's hand. Caster receives a card.

Call to Thunder
Air spell, cost 2
Caster receives a card. If caster's Astral Power is 8 or greater, deals 10 damage to opponent.
Caster receives a card. If caster's Astral Power is 8 or greater, deals 10 damage to opponent.

Enslaving Wind
Air spell, cost 3
Returns target creature to hand of the player which cast this spell. Deals X damage to caster where X is equal to cost of that creature.
Returns target creature to hand of the player which cast this spell. Deals X damage to caster where X is equal to cost of that creature.

Goblin Shaman
Fire creature, cost 1, Attack 3, life 8
Whenever owner cast fire or air spell, goblin shaman deals 2 damage to opponent.
Whenever owner cast fire or air spell, goblin shaman deals 2 damage to opponent.

Ogre Soldier
Fire creature, cost 2, Attack 5, life 15
If there is a creature with cost 5 or greater in the oppoiste slot, Ogre soldier skips his attack.
If there is a creature with cost 5 or greater in the oppoiste slot, Ogre soldier skips his attack.

Orc Chieftan
Fire creature, cost 3, Attack 3, life 13
Increases by 1 attack of all other owner's non-wall creatures.
Increases by 1 attack of all other owner's non-wall creatures.

Bastion of Darkness
Fire creature, cost 5, Attack 0, Life 40
Regenerates 4 life each turn.
Ability (cost 2):
Regenerates 4 life each turn.
Ability (cost 2):
Deals 12 damage to target enemy creature and 12 damage to self.

Blood Ritual
Fire spell, cost 4
Destroys target owner's creature. Deals X damage to each enemy creature, where X is equal to life of destroyed creature.
Destroys target owner's creature. Deals X damage to each enemy creature, where X is equal to life of destroyed creature.

Hammer of Ancients
Fire spell, cost 5
Deals 6 damage to target creature. Whenever a player cast Hammer of ancients, it left in caster's hand.
Deals 6 damage to target creature. Whenever a player cast Hammer of ancients, it left in caster's hand.

Acidic Wall
Water creature, cost 3, Attack 0, life 18
Whenever owner sacrifices a card, acidic wall deals 3 damage to each enemy creature.
Whenever owner sacrifices a card, acidic wall deals 3 damage to each enemy creature.

Merfolk Hunter
Water creature, cost 3, Attack 3, Life 12
Ability (cost 1):
Ability (cost 1):
Deals 10 damage to target enemy creature and 6 damage to self.

Mind Master
Water creature, cost 6, Attack 4, Life 20
Ability (cost 4):
Ability (cost 4):
Owner chooses any card in his or her deck and receives copy of that card.

Storm Drake
Water creature, cost 3, Attack 3, life 14
Attacks all enemies. All damage done to storm drake is increased by 2.
Attacks all enemies. All damage done to storm drake is increased by 2.

Water spell, cost 1
Caster receives copy of target creature in his or her hand.
Caster receives copy of target creature in his or her hand.

Final Sacrifice
Water spell, cost 4
Deals X damage to each player, where X is equal to half of caster's life rounded down.
Deals X damage to each player, where X is equal to half of caster's life rounded down.